From an article from the UPI precipitated two thoughts. (1) I should share this with my classes. (2) UPI is still in business!?
From an article from the UPI precipitated two thoughts. (1) I should share this with my classes. (2) UPI is still in business!?
According to Moody’s 25% of private colleges ran deficits last year. This is doubly disturbing because “net tuition revenue grew for the first time in three years.” Of course “less-wealthy small private colleges faced the most strain.” From Inside Higher Ed.
In this article, Brad Polumbo (currently a student at UMass) notes the following
In his book Academically Adrift, sociologist Richard Arum of New York University reports that 45 percent of undergraduate students show little advancement in their ability to think critically, reason, or write well after their first two years of college.
As a professor this is embarrassing. I don’t know if this statistics applies to my university or my discipline. But I think it is a problem. I don’t have any great insights. However, it seems that universities and professors are the ones that set these lower expectations. I have no doubt that if we challenged and encouraged our students, they would embrace the opportunity. Not everyone of them. But college never was for everyone. Maybe that is one of the problem. In our culture college is assumed to be necessary and useful to all. That wasn’t the case last generation and it certainly isn’t true.
The HBS professor is Clayton Christensenm, whom I hold in high regard. One of his contributions is understanding how technology is disruptive to businesses. The disruptive technology affecting colleges is online education. Basically, he believes “online education will become a more cost-effective way for students to receive an education, effectively undermining the business models of traditional institutions and running them out of business.” See this article.
At the HPCC summit, Roger Dev (a truly wonderful name) gave a short course on ML. His couresstarts at 40:30 and ends a 52:00 in the video below.